Train like Rocky on Tuesdays

  • Tue, August 17, 2021
  • 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
  • ZZYC
  • 7


  • Buy a Summer Pass and use it for all fitness classes (Yoga excluded)!
  • Buy a Summer Pass and use it for all fitness classes (Yoga excluded)!

Registration is closed
Member Registration Opens: June 21, 2021
Guest Registration Opens: June 28, 2021

This session will focus on higher intensity cardio to get you sweating. It will include core and agility work in short time intervals while using full effort to build up your cardiovascular endurance. An intermediate level of training experience is advised.

For your own personal safety, Fitness Classes this summer will be focused on bodyweight exercises (i.e. no special equipment required).

We are inviting participants in the Fitness Classes to bring the following equipment with them to each class in order to enhance their experience.

1. Yoga Mat or Gym Mat or Thick Towel (at times we will be doing exercises on the ground in the sand court or on the deck)

Equipment cannot be left at the club and should be brought back to your cottage/home after each session.

No sharing of any equipment or water bottles will be permitted.

** Buy a Summer Pass and use it for Muscle Monday, Work it Wednesday, Power Hour on Thursday, and Fast Friday classes!

(807) 880-0081

ZZYC   •   P.O. Box 123   •   Clearwater Bay   •   Ontario   •   P0X 1S0

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